
New Year's Party at David & Yvette May's home

Dear David & Yvette

'THANK YOU' for inviting Betty & myself to your superb swell New Year's party in the company of all our family members. It certainly was a fabulous party full of fun with all the singing and dancing besides all the drinks flowing all evening. Thanks Yvette for all the lovely food and nibbles we also enjoyed.

Below are some 200 plus photographs taken at random capturing some of the fun. Please do not blame me for all the duplicate pics as it was the wine doing the work. David May making me drink all evening so excuse some pics out of focus.

Thanks to my new Cameraman, for better words CAMERA LADY Abigail who also took many photographs and in future will take over my role with the camera at all parties

It was wonderful having all the 'DE SOUZA' clan together - pity Miles was the only one missing which could not be helped. He had a VIP party to attend.

Special thanks to all the ladies for providing all night live entertainment with the dancing and singing. I only wish I had a video camera.

Once again, we convey our thanks to David and Yvette for hosting a superb party.

Benny & Betty