

New Year's Eve Gala Ball 2015
Dear Derrick Pereira (HAPC) Organiser & Folks who attended New Years Eve Gala Ball 

I do not know where to start as I am lost for words just wanting to express what a fabulous well organised occasion my wife and friends were privilleged to attend.
First of all I wish to convey my congratulations to Derrick Pereira, his enterprising family and his committee for putting together a dream New Year's Eve Gala dance which brought in New Year 2015 in great style with of course the one and onky famous band MAZ & CO providing first class live entertainment.

Denzyl and myself  from 'Velvet Touch/Trio/Black Velvet' also enjoyed playing, giving the main band breaks, and though we experienced a few technical problems with our PA sound, we enjoyed ourselves. P.S. Derrick sorry to say the stage was a bit too small and no room even to move an inch. In 2012 it was much bigger.

To conclude, I wish to convey my Congratulations to Derick for providing a top flight occasion held at Park Inn Hotel Heathrow and I wish to say all our friends who attended the occasion acknowledged what a fabulous time they had and look forward to next year's New Year's Eve 2015 occasion.

We must not fail to mention the success of the occasion well supported with funds raised on the night to 'HELP A POOR CHILD' . This says it all and you bet whenever we are advised of occasions organised by Derick Pereira, we will not fail to attend.

As a token of rememberance of this great occasion, I include some photographs taken at random - (unfortunately the video clips were too dark due to the dim lighting and had to be abandoned).

Derick to your family who support you especially your young daughters who handle all matters most professionally dealing with ticket reservation, accepting late bookings and still organising all the seating to everyone's satisfaction. Thank you girls it was a pleasure speaking to you and accepting our friends at the last moment, even providing us with superb tables.

P.S. Sorry I have not been able to capture everyone on candid camera and would appreciate if friends would kindly send me their photos so I can add to this blogspot to share with other friends.  Email to forward pics is

Love Benny & Betty

(Derick's opening speech video clip to follow later)

Below a gentleman who needs no introduction.

Photographs below were taken of a section of the hall before guests arrived 
to show how well the hall was decorated with balloons etc
and how well table arrangements were in place.
Tables and seats reserved for every guest.This is very professional.
My apologies some pictures not in proper focus. Taken in a haste. Sorry I did not capture all
the dancing action as unfortunately my video clips were too dark. Please send me your
photographs to add to this blog spot as a rememberance of this great occasion. Thanks Benny

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 Click link below to view update from
HAPC_75.pdf (2.2 MB) Download as pdf

New Year's Eve Ball 2012
Click to view photographs

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