

Dear Clive & Lisette

Thanks for the most wonderful Pre-Christmas party held at your home yesterday Saturday 20th December 2014. With all that great food and drink what can I say ...  you cannot blame me for drinking too much.

It is very seldom to have all our three children and all seven grandchildren together at one party and as such this party was very special for Betty and myself. Pity David was not with us as he had a Christmas gig. I enjoyed watching the kids play their games and Emily tinkle on the ivory keys.

Below are some photographs taken by my new assistant  photographer Abigail who took over with the camera after I had too much to drink. She knows how to capture the action so we now have a new PRESS PHOTOGRAPHER in our family.

Thanks once again for the wonderful 'FAMILY PARTY'

Love to all and be seeing you at our home on Christmas Day.

Dad & Mum